Camp L.I.T. Mission Statement
"Empowering teens to see light in the darkness and hope for their future."
To improve and enhance the lives of at-risk youth, now and in the future by helping them to develop teamwork skills, trust, self-value and respect for others.
Serve at-risk youth across the nation and around the globe!
Core Values:
Integrity: Our actions will be consistent with our words and intentions
People First: The teens, foster parents, social services, leaders, volunteers we serve are the beneficiaries of the program.
Servant Leaders: We will manage the program with focus on our calling.
Quality: We will operate with professionalism and quality at every level.
Financial Stewardship: Being transparent and spending our resources wisely.
Biblically Based: Faith based driven by the Word.
The success of Camp L.I.T. is defined by life change; not only in the youth we serve, but in the dedicated individuals who volunteer at each camp. We have dedicated ourselves to making each child feel safe and special at Camp L.I.T. Our goal is to "provide hope" to the fatherless as noted in Jeremiah 29:11 and Isaiah 40:30-31.